The working week runs from Sunday to Thursday, while Friday and Saturday being weekend days. The academic year runs from early September till the end-June and comprises of two semesters with a mid-year break in January/February. There is a progress examinations followed by a report in the middle of each semester. In addition to this, there are full term examinations and reports followed by the end of each semester.
The structure of the day is tailored to the specific needs of students and is designed to be appropriate for their age and the stage of learning they are partaking in. The school day for the upper stage students is divided into five periods of 45-minute sessions and three periods of 40-minute sessions. Morning assembly for all students is held 15 minutes before classes begin. It is compulsory for all students and teachers to attend the morning assembly.
o School Days for Key Stages 1 to 3 begin at 7:45AM and end at 2:40PM.
o School Days for Foundation Stage begin at 7:45AM and end at 2:25PM.
Students must arrive at school at 7:30AM, as there is no staff supervision before this time.
Parents are asked to be at the dismissal gate no earlier than 2:40PM as it is expected for all students to leave the school campus by 3:00PM.
Students who are not picked up from 2:40PM till 3.00PM will go to the extended care area. If a parent is late after 3:15PM, the student is going to be waiting with the security officer.
In case of an early dismissal request, parents need to inform the school a day ahead to ensure that the student is released at a suitable time. Parents need to sign an Early Student Dismissal Form at the school front office.
In case the parent assigns a driver to drop off or pick up the student, it must be made sure that the driver has the student’s ID. Parents must fill in the Driver Form, sign it and attach a copy of the driver’s ID along with it.
Since regular attendance is essential for the satisfactory completion of the year's academic work, the students’ punctual and regular attendance is expected every day. Students’ attendance is checked every day during the second session. Parents cannot excuse their children from taking quizzes, tests or submitting assignments on their deadlines.
Excused absences are accepted only due to medical reasons or a family emergency.
Parents need to contact school by 9:00AM on any day the student happens to be absent so the homework and classwork on that day can be sent home.
For more than a day of successive absence a parent's written note is required to justify the reason for absence.
In case of an absence due to medical reasons, parents need to send a medical report to justify the sick leave, as well as the notification of the absence as mentioned above.
Punctuality demonstrates respect for the rules that NGI School is built on. Tardiness affects not only the student who is late, but disrupts the entire learning process for his colleagues.
If a student arrives late, he or she would need to go to the floor supervisor stating the reason for the tardiness. A record of tardiness will be kept in the students' affair office. The student is then allowed into class after submitting a tardy slip. The parent is responsible for any material missed in class due to the tardiness.
In case of a second tardiness, the school will call the parent to give a warning. The third time, the student will be subject to a penalty.
Wearing the uniform gives the professional look NGI School deserves and helps maintain a disciplinary atmosphere that will positively affect the commitment of our students. It consequently reduces the socioeconomic friction between students, helping them focus more on their studies.
Students in all grades should wear the specified school uniform all throughout the academic year, unless a note is sent from the school permitting casual dress for a dress down day for students. Certain attire may be requested for some activities, such as sporting suit.
Visible body piercings, tattoos and nail polish are not acceptable on campus. Hats are for outside activities only.
Students must wear the appropriate attire and the appropriate shoes for PE classes, including swimming, as per the school uniform requirements. The PE uniform may be worn all day for the days that PE classes take place.
Uniforms must be worn starting the first day of school. The uniform provider will be selling the uniform on our premises 9:00AM – 1:00AM between the 15th of August to the 5th of September. Following these days, the uniforms can be purchased at the designated uniform shop.
Students are expected to keep and bring all required supplies according to all their subjects’ requirements. Students are to bring a complete pencil case and materials according to the grade’s list distributed at the beginning of year.
All students' belongings should be clearly labeled with his/her name and class. School is not responsible of unlabeled items. Items to be labeled:
o Lunch boxes, pencil cases, bags, flasks, pen drives, etc.
o The uniform items must also be labeled clearly.
In case that a student may lose an item, he or she should head to the Lost and Found room at the social worker’s office. All unclaimed items will be displayed during parents' meetings in the reception. All the remaining items would be donated to local charity organizations.