Parents' Care

You can contact our Parents' Care Representative from 8:00AM till 12:00PM for any inquiries or complaints. Our representative will immediately deal with your queries and give you feedback within 24 hours. You may request a parent-teacher or a parent-social worker for a scheduled meeting to discuss any of your concerns.

School Channel Book

The School Channel Book serves as a communication channel between the parents and the teachers.

It is sent home on a daily basis.

Teachers write notes and comments to inform the parents of any notes or instructions. Parents may write notes and comments in return if necessary.

School Calendar

The School Calendar includes dates of meetings, school trips as well as official holidays and school events. It will be posted on the school website with all event details.

Weekly Plan

Class work and homework, resources needed and assignment due dates will be arranged in a weekly plan to be sent to parents of foundation and elementary stage students in advance. This plan will include all subjects and it will enable parents to easily follow up on their children’s performance. If any necessary changes occurred during the week, due to any sudden circumstances, a note will be sent to parents informing them of such changes.

School Web Site

An interactive website will be available from the beginning of the academic year of 2019-2020 as mentioned in the school profile. Each student and parent will receive a user name and password to access his or her account for the NGI School website.

School Handbook

The School Handbook is designed to offer guidance to parents and consequently to students. This is necessary to be familiar with our rules and procedures. It is recommended for parents and their children to go through it together to find answers for any quires that they may have to have an easy transition to our institution.

Parents - Teachers Conference

Parent-Teacher conferences are held to discuss students’ progress or the lack of it. This is crucial to identify learning gaps and to set plans to improve the student’s learning.

It is set twice a year.

Parent Visits

Parents are be able to call the Parent Care Department to set an appointment with their child's teacher to discuss any concerns they might have.

In case of an urgent scheduled meeting with a teacher occurs, it would occur when the session schedule of the teacher is convenient. It is not allowed to interrupt a session.

During the parents’ visit, students will not be excused from classes to leave with the parent and will remain at school until the end of the school day.

Parent Responsibilities

1. Support and recognize the educational, academic, and behavioral expectations of the NGI School.

2. Ensure adequacy of your child’s appearance regarding uniform, hair, nails and neatness.

3. Do not send your child to school if he or she is sick.

4. Ensure that your child eats nutritious food and has enough sleep.

5. Support and encourage your child’s development of reading and comprehension (e.g. Discussions on their latest readings to enhance their comprehension and communication skills).

6. Note that the quality of your child’s response is often more important than the number of pages read. Do not stop make a dramatic pause at every minor mistake.

7. Sign the Homework Diary on daily basis after making sure your child has completed the assigned homework.

8. Discuss the school reports with your child in a positive manner, to set goals for better future learning along with the teachers.

9. Log into the school’s website regularly for information and new notifications.

Registration and Admission

In order to gain admission, all students must pass an admission test suitable for the grade that they wish to enter. The Admission Team determines the acceptance or denial of an applicant based on previous school records and the placement assessment at the time of application to determine whether a student is likely to succeed within NGI School’s programme provided. The Principal and the General Director are the final authorities in regards to the acceptance or the denial of an applicant. Parents must provide the following documents:

An original computerized copy of the birth certificate.

A copy of the child’s vaccination or medical fitness certificate.

Suitable copies of attested academic records or final report from previous school.

Parental request for student placement for a specific class or teacher is not accepted.

Entry Age Requirements

Pre-K: 3 years old before October 1st of the current year.

KG1: 3.5 years old before October 1st of the current year.

KG2: 4.5 years old before October 1st of the current year.

Grade1: 6 years old before October 1st of the current year.