Discipline Policies

Students are all expected to follow school rules and regulations. Students that misbehave will receive a verbal warning for their first time. This is to provide the student an opportunity to reflect and alter the negative behavior. In case this is repeated, a second warning will be issued and the parent will be notified. The third time, the student will be subjected to a penalty according to the mischief done along with summoning the parent for a meeting to discuss the student’s negative behavior and how to fix it. For more severe cases, out of school suspension may be resorted by the principal’s authority.

Discipline Policies

Tardiness or Incomplete Assignment

Homework is an important tool to assess the student’s learning as it gives the teacher quick feedback to alter his or her teaching and naturally fill any needed gaps in his students’ learning. The following steps are to be taken in case students fails to submit their assignments on time:

a. Verbal warning given to student for the first time.

b. Break Detention and Parent Notification for the second time.

c. Summoning of parent for Conference to sign a warning for the third time.

d. In-school suspension: Student attends school as usual with his scheduled subjects, yet he or she will not be allowed into the classroom and will be seated alone in a specified area to finish given tasks. All teachers are to provide the student with the material taught that day.

e. Out-school suspension.

Dress Code Violation

a. Student to be given a verbal warning as well as having the parent informed of the committed violation.

b. Parents would be contacted to pick up student.

c. Suspend student attendance until parents show a commitment to ensure proper dress code.

Brining Personal Items

Bringing any non-school related items such as phones and tablets will result in confiscation and the parent would be asked to take them. If it is important to bring a mobile phone, a request should be submitted to the front office. In such case, the mobile will be submitted to stage deputy to be taken upon leaving.


a. Verbal warning to student and will be asked to clean the litter that was thrown.

b. Break detention.

Obscene Language/Bullying or Aggression

Detention and a pledge will have to be made for no further repetition.

Contact parents.

Parent conference.

Internal suspension.

Out-school suspension.

Breaking Bus Regulations

a. Verbal warning to student.

b. Contact parents.

c. Depriving from bus services for 1 day, and if repeated again the student will not be allowed to use the bus service for the rest of the year.

School Property Sabotage

a. Break detention and clearing the caused mess.

b. If the damage is irreversible, internal suspension till the parent pays for repairing the damage.

Viewing or Downloading Unauthorized Material/Playing Games

Out of school suspension from 1-3 days according to the violation.

Teacher Disrespect and Session Disruption.

a. Deprive of a PE session and is assigned tasks, parent is to be notified.

b. Contact parents.

c. Parent conference.

d. In-school suspension.

e. Out of school suspension.

Copy Rights Infringement/Plagiarism.

a. In case of cheating, the student gets a zero and will not allowed to retake the test.

b. In case of plagiarism and copying of assignments; the student will be asked to resubmit the assignment according to a schedule provided by the teacher.

c. Internal suspension.